“I nearly lost my lip!” – Claire’s Lip Filler Nightmare
Posted on: August 15, 2019

“I nearly lost my lip!” – Claire’s Lip Filler Nightmare
Claire underwent what she thought would be a simple lip filler procedure. Unfortunately, just hours later she was at risk of losing her lip entirely.
At the DrBK Clinic, we maintain a strict stance of patient safety coming first. With dermal filler treatments on the rise and a lack of regulation regarding who can perform these treatments, it is important to ensure you have done your research before going to any practitioner.
Claire came to the DrBK Clinic with a serious complication following her lip filler treatment with another practitioner elsewhere. After what she thought would be a simple procedure, Claire was left horrified when her lip started to swell and bruise shortly after being injected.
Watch Claire’s Journey:
“Straight away as she injected, my lips swelled up. They went blue, black and white”.
Unbeknownst to Claire, her practitioner had hit a major artery that supplies blood to the lip. As a result, the blood to the lip had been blocked. When the blood supply is blocked, tissues start to die out, resulting in permanent damage. This is known as Necrosis.
Claire phone her friend who is a dentist and he immediately referred her to Professor Bob Khanna.
“I was referred to Professor Khanna, who fitted me in straight away, even though he had a really busy day, so I was so grateful”.
“As soon as I came in, he told me exactly what had happened”.
Picture: After lip filler injections gone wrong
Professor Khanna knew straight away that he would need to act quickly to save Claire’s lip. He stated: “Cases like this are very serious. What happened is, the practitioner had accidentally injected filler into the main artery that supplies blood to the lip. When this occurs, it immediately becomes a race against time to restore the blood supply. Claire narrowly avoided permanent disfigurement. She would have lost her entire lip.”
Picture: Before & after dissolving treatment with Prof Khanna.
Claire is now urging everyone to make sure they research the best practitioner for their treatment.
“I didn’t realise, very naively, how much this could have damaged my future life, I could’ve lost my lip, I could’ve been disfigured”.
“I just really urge everyone to make sure that you’ve really researched who you’re going to, and that this is not something to take lightly”.
Our tips on choosing your practitioner
- It’s very easy to fall into the trap of “cheap treatments” with those that aren’t medically trained at all. So, if the prices are low, ask yourself why.
- Ensure that you have researched about the possible complications, side effects, and how they would be managed. This comes back to choosing an experienced, registered medical professional.
- Please remember, dermal fillers are not a beauty treatment – you are trusting someone to inject your face, make sure you choose a clinician with an expert knowledge of the Facial Anatomy.
- Find a practitioner that is registered with SaveFace.
The doctor’s choice for Facial Aesthetics
We are proud to say that many of our Facial Aesthetic patients are actually doctors themselves. Professor Khanna is a Global Facial Aesthetic Leader with over 25 years’ experience delivering beautiful and safe results.
He developed the Dr Bob Khanna Training Institute for registered medical professionals to master the art and science of Facial Aesthetics in a safe environment. Our training courses focus heavily on safe and predictable techniques, helping the next generation of clinicians deliver amazing and safe results. As a result, many of the clinicians that attend our courses are so impressed that they end up undergoing treatment with Prof Khanna.
Why would you go elsewhere? Book your consultation with Dr Bob Khanna today. 0118 9606 930 / mytreatment@drbk.co.uk.