Why Choose Us?
About Us
We are a leading dental and medical aesthetics clinic dedicated to patient care and wellbeing. Led by internationally renowned facial aesthetics practitioner and trainer Dr Bob Khanna for over 25 years, the DrBK team deliver the very best and newest in non-surgical treatments and technologies.
Our Aim
The DrBK Clinic is a SaveFace accredited clinic, aiming to provide you with the highest standards of care from our highly skilled team. We pride ourselves on delivering only the best and most innovative treatments, whether that be for cosmetic dentistry or non-surgical solutions for treatment of the face or body.
We believe that everybody should feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. Whether you are considering Facial Aesthetic treatment, looking for top quality laser and body treatments, or would like to restore and maintain your dental health, our aim is to help you feel more like you. Our clinics (located on Queens Road, Reading and Harley Street, London) offer a warm and comfortable environment with excellent facilities including disabled access.
We have a range of patient reviews and videos to give you an insight into the DrBK experience.
Patient Safety
Ultrasound Technology
Delivering the best results using only the safest techniques has always been our utmost priority. This is why we use Ultrasound technology as part of our standard practice across all dentistry and facial aesthetic procedures.
Using ultrasound technology allows us to physically visualise a patient’s internal anatomy which is important for not only accuracy, but also for safety and minimising potential complications.
When it comes to facial aesthetics, ultrasounds allow us to see (to the millimetre) all of your important anatomy components, such as your arteries, skin, muscle, fat, etc. In turn we can provide precise placement across all types of treatment, avoiding any potential complications and achieving the most desirable results.
Disabled Access
We have designed the practice to cater for our patients that do require extra assistance when they attend the clinic (in Reading). We have a dedicated ramp to the front entrance of the practice which is wheelchair friendly. Continuing into the practice, we have ensured there is complete access throughout the building for a wheelchair user. If you are hard of hearing of have difficulty with your sight or require any special arrangements please do let us know, we will be more than happy to assist you. We want to ensure that your journey with us is completely stress free.
The Team
The Dr BK Team is led by Dr Bob Khanna, who has been practicing cosmetic dentistry and facial aesthetics for over 25 years and is one of the world’s most eminent and respected Facial Aesthetics Practitioners and Teachers. He is trusted by many doctors globally, with a high percentage of DrBK patients being medical professionals themselves, earning him the nickname of “The Doctor’s Choice” for Facial Aesthetics. More about Dr Bob here…
All of our staff members are fully qualified and have a wealth of experience behind them. You can meet the team here!


International Accolades & Conferences

Important Information
• CQC regulates DRBK Ltd to provide care at DrBK – Our last check showed: This service was meeting all CQC national standards. See the latest report
• We are accredited by SaveFace, a professional Standards Authority accredited register, registered by the Government, the Department of Health and NHS England.View SaveFace Patient Charter.
• Our Statement Of Purpose – Read the DrBK statement of purpose
• Your Personal Information – How we look after and safeguard information about you
• Our Patient’s Complaint Procedure – It is our aim to always have satisfied patients, to meet your expectations of care and service and to resolve any complaints as efficiently, effectively and politely as possible. View Patient Complaints Procedure