4 Reasons To Start Your Hair Removal Journey In The Winter
Posted on: November 28, 2019

4 Reasons To Start Your Hair Removal Journey In The Winter
When summer winds around and you’re forced into skin baring clothes, are you stuck in the perilous limbo of not wanting to grow your hair out for a wax but also not wanting to have to shave every few days to keep your hair at bay?
We always encourage our patients to undergo their laser hair removal treatment during the winter months where possible. Why? Here’s 4 reasons…
1) Your treatment will be completed just in time for your Summer wardrobe!
It’s Summer. You’ve just bought a new dress for a last minute barbecue at your aunt’s house. The dress comes down to your shin. You’ve only shaved up to your shin – because nobody will see the rest, right? Admit it, we’ve all been there. 3/4 length trousers? I’ve probably only shaved the ankles.
We recommend (on average) a course of 6-10 sessions of laser hair removal. By starting treatment in the colder months, you can fully complete a course of treatment, or at least have it well underway, before we are graced with some well-deserved sun. Imagine that, a whole summer without having to arrange your outfits around the degree of your hairiness – bliss!
2) You sweat less in the Winter
We require you to avoid direct sun exposure throughout the duration of your course. We all know what it feels like to wear trousers in high heat – bottom line; not nice. This would be mandatory if you have had your legs treated in the summer months. In the winter, it is far easier (and a lot less sweaty) to cover up.
3) Avoiding sun exposure is easier in the Winter!
Exposing yourself to direct sunlight (and in turn acquiring a tan) could inhibit treatment. You must avoid direct sun exposure to the areas you are having treated for 2-4 weeks prior to and following your laser session. This is because the laser is designed to target the melanin (or pigment), of the hair in the follicle, so the lighter your skin is, the easier it is for the laser to identify the hair in the follicle. In the winter, obviously, it is much easier to avoid the sun. This however, does not mean if you are of a darker skin type then you are unsuitable for treatment. Our Soprano ICE laser hair removal machine, treats all skin types.
4) Save yourself from the pre-going-out rush
Generally people are more active in the summer – with good weather comes lots of outings with friends and family. For a lot of us, our pre-going-out routine somehow involves shaving every trace of hair off our bodies before making ourselves late for the night out we’ve been looking forward to all week. Do yourself a favour and never worry about making time for shaving or waxing again!
Learn more about Laser Hair Removal Reading, Berkshire
Please contact us to book in for your complimentary consultation and patch test with our skin & laser aesthetician, here at the DrBK clinic.